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Branch Warren Bodybuilder

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Branch was born in Texas in February 1975 and now lives in Arlington Texas where he owns a gym and a freight company. Branch has come in second place in the Mr. Olympia in 2009 and always manages to place in the top ten when competing against the best professional bodybuilders in the world.

He has won the Arnold Classic twice and has made a name for himself in the strength industry by always getting involved with any related muscle and fitness activity that he can. Warren is married to IFBB professional fitness competitor Trish Warren and they have one daughter, Faith Lea.

Branch is only 5'7" but looks like a giant full of muscle whenever he competes and is without a doubt a very successful professional bodybuilder competing at around 250 pounds and ripped to shreds.

Height = Five Foot Seven Inches Tall
Weight = Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds

Bodybuilding titles won:
1992 AAU Teenage Mr. America
1993 NPC Teenage Nationals
2001 NPC Nationals
2005 Charlotte Pro
2005 Europa Supershow
2007 New York Pro
2011 British Grand Prix
2011 Arnold Classic
2012 Arnold Classic

Branch Warren Workout

Branch strongly believes in the basics and going hard and heavy when he trains.

He stresses that in order to gain muscle you do not have to get complicated as building muscle is not rocket science he says and that you gain muscle by going hard and heavy using only basic movements. He does not train below 6 reps because of possible injury as his bodybuilding career was put on hold for a year when he tore his bicep.

Below is just a sample of a back workout that he would do which he uses regularly. He stresses that the only way to make gains is to train hard every day for years. Progressive resistance will always gain you more muscle than you currently have.

Here is a example of his back routine:

Incline T-bar rows 3 sets x 10 reps
One arm dumbell rows 3 sets x 8 reps
Bent-over barbell rows 3 sets x 8 reps
Lat pull downs 3 sets x 15 reps
Seated upright row machine3 sets x 15 reps
Hammer strength pull downs 3 sets x 15 reps
Seated low cable row 3 sets x 20 reps
Rear delts on fly machine 4 sets x 10 reps
Bent over dumbell rear laterals 4 sets x 10 reps

Note: For more information on volume training for natural bodybuilders checkout Muscle Express Training.

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